Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two more pounds

I've been cheating on my diet entirely too much lately.  Between all the convenience foods consumed while moving, tempting free food at my new job, a couple big parties (although the second one I managed to keep most guests from bringing food I shouldn't eat, and avoided eating the crackers they did bring), it's been hard to stay strictly on my diet.  My throat has been slightly swollen for a month now, I really need to be strict for a few weeks for that to go back down and I keep slipping up...

So, I knew I'd been cheating and decided it was time for a weigh-in.  It has been four months since my last weigh in, and I've lost two pounds.  Well below my pound per month average, but still not bad for eating as much as I want, indulging in rich fatty foods, enjoying all the food I do eat and not being hungry.

Hopefully as the weather improves and we finally finish emptying the city house I'll be able to get a bit more sunshine and exercise and pick that weight loss rate back up.  Gardening season is coming soon.  My indoor seedlings are pushing up out of their little trays, getting themselves all ready to go outside...

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