Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Jerky looses to Peanuts

Jerky, it's meat right?  Wonderful quality protein-filled meat!  And meat usually comes with healthy fats too!

Except that jerky is often marinated in a sugar solution since Americans don't have taste for the amount of salt required to make it shelf stable without sugar, and most of the fat is removed from the meat before this process starts.

Honey roasted peanuts?  A plant covered in honey?  Gotta be bad for the high fat eater?  Not necessarily.  I wouldn't want all those Omega 6s as part of my daily diet, but as a convenience store food, it's up there in calories from less processed fats.

ProductServingsFat grams per servingProtein grams per servingCarb grams per servingFiber grams per servingFat gramsProtien gramsDigestable Carb gramsCalories% fat caloriesKetogenic Ratio
Tillamook Jerkey10.01.510701510070.00815.0016.56%45.95%
Bridgeford Jerkey3.0111603.0033.0018.00231.0011.69%47.76%
Honey Roasted Peanuts6.01377078.0042.0042.001,038.0067.63%120.71%

You could probably improve on those nuts by getting a less sweet flavor, but it meets the 60% calories from fat target, and is strongly keytogenic (although not strongly enough for treatment of epilepsy).

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