- Custom fitting keeps my funny shaped feet in their natural alignment.
- Custom fitting nearly eliminates callouses and hot spots.
- Shoes with less support strengthen the feet, ankles, and the muscles that remotely operate the foot.
- Sensory feedback from thin soles improves my gait patterns naturally.
- Improved gait patterns relieve stress issues further up the support chain in the legs, hips and spine.
Barefoot/minimalist shoe Info Sites:
- Harvard Research
- Society For Barefoot Living
- The Running Barefoot
- Huaraches Group
- Why Shoes Make Normal Gait Impossible
- http://barefootrunning.com/
You may note that most of the high end minimalist running shoes are missing from this list. As I am not a runner, these types of shoes don't match my needs.
- Croc Liners
- Aqua Socks
- Jazz Shoes
- ToeSalad Directory
Custom Shoe Patterns:
- http://www.nativetech.org/clothing/moccasin/moctext.html - several types, minimal directions
- http://www.inquiry.net/outdoor/native/skills/moccasins.htm - The Ojibway or Pucker-top Moccasin and The Sioux or Hard-sole Moccasin, detailed directions.
- http://www.inquiry.net/outdoor/winter/gear/moccasins/index.htm
- http://www.nativetech.org/clothing/moccasin/mocinstr.html - One-piece, Soft-sole, Center-seam Moccasins
- Map of Native Moccasin types in the USA and southern Canada
- http://www.natureskills.com/how_to_make_moccasins.html - scout project, touted as comfortable
- Side Laced Shoes and Boots (historical pattern)
- Simple Shoe Making - Fisherman's Sandal
- How to make felt boots
- Soft Sole Plains Moccasins
- Celtic Boots
- Sparrowhawk Keltoi Moc (Pattern for sale)
- Craft Manual of North American Indian Footwear
- crazycrow.com - Making Native American Indian Moccasins
- Waraji (Japenese Straw/Rope Sandals)
- Huarache Examples
- Invisibleshoe.com: How To Make Huaraches
- Footwear of the Middle Ages
- Paleo Planet: One-Piece soft-soles, detailed instructions
- http://www.laohats.com/studypages/ulanbaator_boot.htm
- Footwear of the Middle Ages
- The Manufacture Of Boots And Shoes: Being A Modern Treatise Of All The Processes Of Making And Manufacturing Footgear | by F. Y. Golding
- The Honourable Cordwainers' Company Guild Library
- Shoe making books
- Last Making Resources
- Casting your own last
- Historical shoes discussion
- Nativetech - several moccasin patterns in overview with essay
- Modern Moccasins
- instructions for “the use of cowhide moccasins as a substitute for shoes” #cw150
- http://www.knieriem.net/category.php?id_category=11
- BC Egyptian Shoes
- http://www.historyanew.com/index.php?pr=Historical_Shoes
- Shoe making class makes period German shoes
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ibvlxuvR2A
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iQVTbRIlak - Sebastian Tarek - Shoemaker
- http://www.youtube.com/user/customboots
Shoe Making Techniques:
Potential materials:
Historical Shoes Sites: