Thursday, July 16, 2020

Myopia Regression - Actually started a month ago.

So I officially had my contact trial period over and "differentials" (computer glasses) arrived 6/9.  I'm keeping my condensed log over at the community wiki.  I'm really struggling with developing the habits, when to wear the differentials, when not to, getting the contacts out of my eyes without hurting myself.  Then I do irritate my eye and have to go a few days back in regular glasses.  I am a lot more comfortable in differentials than my full prescription contacts.

Myopia Regression Basics

Just an overview of the program I'm trying.

The first premise is that you should have about a quarter diopter of blur in your glasses to promote ciliary muscle relaxation and remodeling of the eye.  If you were looking at a duochrome chart, the green would be clear and the red slightly fuzzy.  The second premise is that you need glasses appropriate to the distance you're working at, and for most people that means one pair of glasses for computers/reading, and one for outdoors.  Both of these rules are null and void when there is a legal or safety restriction like while driving, wear lenses necessary for legal driving in your jurisdiction.

The second premise is the most immediately fruitful.  Normally when I get stronger glasses I have lots of headaches and eye strain at work, where I spend 8 hours at a computer.  I'm pretty useless for a couple weeks until my eyes adjust, at which point I feel like my vision has not really improved over the prior pair of glasses.  In my new reading glasses I can comfortably compute all day long in my new contacts.  When I first got the contacts I was so grumpy about my vision that my husband made me run out and buy reading glasses even before the trial period was over and my situation stable enough to order customized reading glasses.

So the long term process is:
1. Measure eyesight.  This can be a professional measurement, based on distance to blur and math, or based on a DIY trial lens kit refraction.
2.  Get glasses +1.5 diopters from (remember myopic diopters are negative, -3+1.5 = -1.5) your measurement for computer work.  (You may have some trial and error to get glasses that put your work just beyond your blur horizon, if it's too blurry, go -0.25, no challenge, go +0.25.)
3.  Improve your vision habits, try to get away from near work as much as possible, take frequent breaks from near work, spend time looking at text just beyond your blur horizon.
4.  Get glasses that are +0.25 diopters from your measurement for distance.  (Give it a few weeks between step 2 and step 4.)
5.  Wait.  Practice #3.  If it's working, over the next 3 months or so your blur horizon should move outwards.  If it moves far enough that you have no blur challenge, go back to step 1.
6.  Astigmatism and imbalance between the eyes can cause extra complications.  the above process is fine for the first couple pairs of glasses, but at some point you will need to study more of the method and try things like changing cylinder power instead of sphere in steps 2 & 4, or changing in one eye only and practicing #3 with monocular vision in the bad eye.

The details of the method are in the EndMyopia 7 Day Email Guide, but they do make you scroll a lot to find it, I've not yet found any direct link.  There are lots of references in the community to the blog, but personally I have trouble with the indirect narrative style and the lack of relevance prioritization in the search function.  90% of what you need to know is in the 7 day e-mails if you have a uncomplicated situation.