Friday, September 30, 2011

The long haul

To expand on my previous post about Morton's Foot, further discussion has re-emphasized this point: "Lee said it took him five years to fix his own Morton's Foot."

Five years...

Hopefully I'll see other improvements in the mean time, after all growth and change in the human body is incremental.  I need to keep this in mind though when I'm discouraged, that things may still be changing slowly and I need to be patient.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Alternative view of Morton's Foot

One of my coaches posted an alternative look at Morton's Foot, claiming that it can actually be cured by allowing the arches to flatten during barefoot running:
Yelling Stop: Achilles' Ankle and Lee Saxby

I'm not sure I entirely buy this, although I do have very high arches as well as Morton's foot. Morton's foot is also known as "Greek Toe" from all those Greek sandal-wearing statues that showed the longer second toe. Is there something about Greek sandals that promote high arches?

They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba’s “Tubthumping”

The song is good enough to post twice, especially when sung by an already cool band:

They Might Be Giants covers Chumbawamba

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September Update

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
Well, doc and I have reached a compromise.  Going for a less aggressive treatment that lets me stay on my feet.  He's even more anti-surgery now, if little doughnuts in my shoe are bothersome, surgical dressings might be considered a complication even if all goes perfectly.  Gonna see him in another three weeks, at which point I'm going to ask if I'm trustworthy enough to go longer between visits.  Been upping the Tai Chi this week, then tonight took my .6 mile stroll with the dog, and all feels well.  #1 priority right now, is to develop the habit of doing that every day.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Slow Going

The treatment for the wart on my foot is worse than the disease.  I've been off my feet for a week now, two more weeks before I see the doctor, and he wants to give this treatment a three month run.  I'll be backing off to minimal treatment, more like the package directions, less aggressive than what he discussed with me, and talking to him about it at my appointment.  (Package says to apply once every 10 days and no mechanical removal, he says apply daily with mechanical removal.)  Going from occasional pain when stepping on a rock in that one spot to not really able to walk at all is unacceptable.

The discussion group is not keeping my interest lately.  New shoes I will never wear, competitive training programs I will never run, high and mighty debaters of off-topic stuff I'm trying to stay out of...  I may have even missed replies to my posts in my delete-happy phases.  Not that any of my recent posts have been of any great value. 

I'll get over it.  24 hours after skipping a wart treatment I walked my regular .6 miles, and I hope to be more active over this coming long weekend.  Worst case, I will tell the doctor "no" and go back to having a very minor gait issue.  Most warts resolve themselves over time once the immune system finally wakes up.  I was making progress despite it, I have a lot of progress to go before that limitation is my major limitation.